Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is a public service announcement - Ez-Link

Good afternoon folks.

What I don’t get is when I take the MRT is the bit when you are at the gantry right, and you are doing your part as a civilized member of the public by standing in line and waiting patiently. You’re just waiting and looking all innocent when you start noticing that the line hasn’t moved for the past 3 years.

You know why? I bloody tell you why. Because this rather immaculately dressed office lady was busy bouncing her handbag up and down the card reader. Have you been guilty of that? You don’t take out your ez-link, you just tap your damn handbag. Harlow lady, its not a fucking handbag reader. It’s a ez-link card reader.

And she just looked ridiculous. The reader wasn’t detecting anything from her handbag, so she just kept turning and tossing her handbag in all sorts of positions. It was like she was making bloody prata.

Just take out your damn card, tap it on the reader, and move on. That’s it. Everybody will go home happy, the earth will continue to rotate on its axis, and the PAP will still be in power.

I bet some of you are definitely guilty of the above. Yes? The next person who taps her/his handbag/bag/plastic bag/travel bag/gunny sack or whatever thing other than the ez-link and the gantry can’t read it, Ima drive your damn forehead onto the reader until it beeps non-stop.

But im a nice guy still, of course.


Anonymous said...

ya thats so irritating
this lady I met on the bus today
nothing against long wallet
as long as theyre pretty
but hers just fugly
dont know why shes carrying it

anyways so I was behind her when we were boarding
and because the wallet is long
and that idiot didnt know which part her ezlink was at in the wallet
I mean how difficult is it to figure that out?!
so she kept tapping on the same spot for like 10 years later before she realised she should try the other end of her wallet.

when shes alighting, she did the same idiotic thing again!
this time I can see her frowning like it's the bloody ezlink machine's fault!
thats how another ten years passed and we were caught in the red lights

Fee said...

hahaha..some people ah..gosh